Bei Ponyhütchen sind wir auf vegane Lippenstifte von Silk Naturals gestoßen und wollten mal hören, was Sie zum Thema Tierversuche zu sagen haben:
Hi Nadine,
We have a lot of vegan products….probably around 300-400 or so. A lot of our lip products, almost all of our eye shadows, a lot of blushes, foundations, and skin care are mostly vegan. We do use silk powder, and carmine, as well as some collagen in some of our products, and they’re always labeled so people know before they purchase.We’re PETA certified, and this is our animal testing statement:
Animal Testing- We don’t test on animals, or contract it out to anyone. We never have, and we never will. There’s none of that loophole „except where required by law“ funny business either. We don’t sell to China. Silk Naturals is privately owned by a animal lover. It’s not happening here, and it won’t happen here.… Right now the Bare Necessities Palette clones have been very popular…they’re all vegan, and we’ll happily ship to Germany….
Take care,
Silk Naturals könnt ihr z.B. bei Ponyhütchen kaufen oder auf der amerikanischen Website https://www.silknaturals.com. Hoffentlich demnächst in noch mehr Shops :)